Monday, December 15, 2008

Strike Behind Enemy Lines Produced By David Dadon

Strike Behind Enemy Lines is produced By David Dadon along with production designer Jacqueline Dadon, executive producers Jacob Dadon and Lydia Dadon, and associative producers Barry Dadon and Darryl Dadon. In this action-packed thriller, an elite team of Navy SEALS accompanied by Sofia, Bulgaria, Lt. Col John Hart, and Lt. Rick Burns, find themselves on a mission to stop the transfer of missile guidance technology to a Middle Eastern country. While on this mission, an unexpected security force interrupts them. Amongst the chaos and crossfire Lt. Hart is killed, Burns and the SEALS barely escape with their lives. Once the men return to Washington, Burns is grilled by Navy Chief of staff Admiral Todd for the lack of accomplishment and loss of a lieutenant. Erin , Admiral Todd's daughter, is a CIA operative working undercover as an Italian archaeologist who assists the SEALS. Eventually she figures out where the computer facility is located near the Lost City of Tajkumar, and notifies to US of its location enabling them to destroy it. With this knowledge, the team fights its way in as an air strike is called. Just as the strike against its neighbors is prepared, FA18's and F14's arrive and blow the "Lost City"" off the face of the earth. International outrage, rising from the city's destruction, transforms into gratitude once it is uncovered that the city was indeed fake. Leaving the audience at the edge of their seat.Dadon's production enables film-goers to go behind enemy lines through undercover agents, military crossfire, and the overall perspective of the SEALS. With an unseen turn of events, Strike Behind Enemy Lines, should be seeing 5 stars across the board due to the producer's execution and the overall quality of the film. David Dadon has received several awards and nominations for previous films and has once again produced a work of art. It anticipates a release in May of 2009 at the Cannes International Film Festival.

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